The Bible is full of analogies and I love this one. To me, it means that those who are firmly grounded in Him (His Word, the Truth) will be able to withstand any troubles that may come because [the Lord] will sustain us and give us strength to get us through. Not only will we “get through it”, but we will “not be anxious and we will continue to bear fruit.” It might be hard to believe we can flourish when the world comes crashing down around us, but He gives us strength, courage, hope… everything we need to be what He will have us be.
To go along with this Scripture, I used my "green thumb" for my card today - I used things that are planted using Marci with Watering Can!

Okay… you’re prolly gonna laugh at my coloring of Marci here. She’s a bit of a deer caught in the headlights. LOL. But while I was looking through all the talented artists’ blogs at La-La Land Crafts, 2 in particular did unusual things with their coloring that i thought was so neat. So I experimented with my Copic coloring. I guess you could say I took an “online class”… but not really. I basically studied what they did and I practiced! Specifically adding ruffles to her dress & created a nose like Alberto, and adding colored iris’ to her eyes like Lou Mac. You prolly either love it or hate it. I have to admit that I wasn’t too fond of seeing everyone doing white side-ways teardrop shapes around the eyes. But when I saw the pop of color and then more of a 3D shape to the face, I just had to try it.
Before you go looking for this Marci I have to say… she doesn’t exist! LOL. Well… I should say, parts of her DO!! I only had one digi of this brand new Marci with Watering Can printed out (from work as I still don’t have a printer) … and I was coloring her up Friday after work when I totally messed up her face. :( What was I to do, this was the only digi that went with the rest of my card! So… I cut her head off. Then I grabbed a rubber stamp, Marci with Bunny and stamped just her head, and then attached it to her body… Wha-la!! All fixed :) Can’t do anything about her sunburn though… I’ll tell her to wear sunscreen next time, heehee. The wheelbarrow with buds is a free svg Garden set from Shery K Designs.