Wanna go to the circus?Luka does, and he’s dressed up and ready to go! =) I made this card weeks ago for winter CHA using Magician Luka (now available in both rubber and digi) and some stars and circus elements that I cut out using my Cricut and the “Create-a-Critter” cartridge. This li'l guy just CRACKS ME UP with his li'l shorts and cowboy boots. But isn't that what li'l boys do?? Dress up in whatever they can find? Love it!! Irina and Eric did such a great job with this playtime collection. My husband actually convinced me to make his li'l boots STRIPED! LOL. He thought that'd be "soo cool" to have striped cowboy boots (for real!… or maybe not LOL)
Anywhoo... did ya do the Blog Hop yesterday at La-La Land Crafts? If not, you can start HERE. I’m not actually in the hop because I had to pre-post this. But you’ll find some real cuties along the way, so hope you’ll join the fun!
Be Creative… Ink Something!