Here we go!! This first cutie is Cowgirl LiLi. Isn't she just the cutest little cowgirl ya ever did see?! I thought so, heehee. LOVE HER! This will be perfect for my 2 li'l cowgirls here at the Breach Farm ;)

Next up is Scooter LiLi! She's so cute and "Sporty" lookin' isn't she?! Love this one as well. This one fits my girls as well as they LOVE all things that roll... skateboards, roller skates, bicycles. I will be making some scrap pages with them and this LiLi very soon!

All the new stamps you see along the hop are available right now in the store, Inky Impressions Rubber Stamps!
Next, you'll want to HOP over to Pam's Blog to see what inspiration she has for you!