with a winter "hi" :)

January's Paper Pretties SOTM is this cute Sophia iceskating! The background park/pond stamp is from Alota Rubber Stamps. This was my first time ever trying Liquid Applique too, thanks to Kelly who graciously surprised me with it as a gift--thanks, Kel!! :) I added it to the trees, rocks and little bits around the brick path. Sophia is sporting her beautiful sparkly muff and wrap (I added Dazzling Diamonds on the white parts), and then I attached her with thick demensional tape.
On a personal note: The girls and I had a very positive experience delivering all the valentines and treats on Saturday. We gave them a tour of the Ronald McDonald House, where we lived for a month when Maddy was born. Then we went to the Pediatrics center in the hospital and they let us go in and deliver some of their gifts to some kids who were about their ages. I'm so glad we did that, to spread a little love and to have appreciation for their own health! OH, and about Maddy's cheerleading thing--she didn't end up performing Friday night's game because she was too nervous and was sick to her tummy. So we didn't press her to do it. Maybe next time!
On a personal note: The girls and I had a very positive experience delivering all the valentines and treats on Saturday. We gave them a tour of the Ronald McDonald House, where we lived for a month when Maddy was born. Then we went to the Pediatrics center in the hospital and they let us go in and deliver some of their gifts to some kids who were about their ages. I'm so glad we did that, to spread a little love and to have appreciation for their own health! OH, and about Maddy's cheerleading thing--she didn't end up performing Friday night's game because she was too nervous and was sick to her tummy. So we didn't press her to do it. Maybe next time!